On April 21, Facilitate Magazine published a piece covering our recently-released Spring 2022 Employee Retention report. They also mentioned Humanyze co-founder and president, Ben Waber as he talked about the importance of educating leaders and organizations on collaboration and its impact on employees. Here is an excerpt from the piece…
“Ben Waber, Humanyze’s president and co-founder and a speaker at past IWFM conferences, said: “Flexibility and remote work are understandably top of mind right now… However, it’s critical to educate organisations and leaders about how collaboration impacts an employee’s experience and, ultimately, their desire to stay or leave. To thrive in this new era of work, managers need tools that help them inform decisions with their team’s best interest and performance in mind, while giving them the flexibility they desire.”
Last month, Humanyze surveyed 2,000 full-time US employees and managers. It compared survey results with anonymous collaboration data from The Humanyze Platform, which has measured more than 1 million workplace interactions since the start of Covid-19, and at least 20 billion workplace interactions in the past decade. Data from Humanyze’s data analysis measured a subset of anonymous data from multiple clients for more than 27,000 full-time employees, 858 teams (of up to 500 people), and 3,000 locations.”
To read the full article, follow this link.