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Recently, Fortune Magazine published an article on how AI could be hurting the human element in the workplace. The article also emphasizes the inportance of how artificial intelligence works best when business leaders focus on their people—motivating and inspiring them so they stay involved and innovative. They mentioned Humanyze’s solutions for a European bank to support the point of how productivity increases when there is more employee interaction instead of isolation. Here is the feature below:
“That’s why companies must take care to create episodes of employee interdependence and moments of interaction. For instance, Humanyze, a people analytics firm, found while working with a U.S. bank that those of its call centers whose employees had frequent social interactions reported higher productivity and greater retention. It therefore suggested that the bank synchronize the breaks in all the call centers to create more opportunities for interaction. One year after the bank did so, its call centers reported a 23% increase in productivity and a 28% increase in retention.”
To read the full article, follow this link.