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Humanyze believes that a company’s greatest assets are its people and how they collaborate (and have the data to prove it!).
Born in MIT’s Media Lab, we are redefining the future of work through science-backed analytics and data-driven insights that help companies make continuous workplace improvements that benefit both employees and the business.
With a global presence spanning the Americas, Europe, and Asia, our mission is to help leading companies around the world unlock their organization’s full potential with workplace analytics.
We explore why things are done and how they can be done better to create opportunities for innovation – for ourselves and our customers.
Our solutions help companies improve organizational effectiveness, positively impact the employee experience, and drive better business outcomes.
Factual, reliable and trustworthy with our employees, customers, and end-users around the data we measure and how it’s used.
We believe in the objectivity of data, which is why we offer the most comprehensive view of the workday to continuously drive better business decisions.
We work with companies in a way that guarantees data privacy and anonymity for employees.